Emergency and crisis management project

After the Syrian crisis was exacerbated and the majority of the Syrian people were affected, at the end of 2012 the League adopted a decision to include the emergency humanitarian response program within its charitable projects.

Where it carried out a series of relief campaigns in northern Syria and Rif Damascus, including:

  • Food chains, community kitchen, and provide flour and blankets for them.

  • Providing them with heating materials, fuel to supply water pumps as well as the medical services.

  • Winter clothing, festivals, and sacrifices campaigns.

  • Food chain in Ramadan, and breakfasts for thousands of families.

  • It also contributed to establish a strategic warehouse in Al-Wear neighbourhood in Homs.

  • The league has rehabilitated some residential towers in Al-Wear to accommodate the displaced people who are from other areas of Homs, and it also contributed to repair and restore the health centres that were destroyed, in cooperation with SEMA association for Medical service.

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